Sunday, September 26, 2010

Another day in the life.

Whew, college is freakin' tough!

But, we shall overcome. :D

Today was another long day in the list of long days that I have been accumulating recently. I know that I haven't been blogging but, I just have bee sooo busy!

I know EVERYONE says that when they take to long to post but, trust me... This is for real. Even in the middle of writing this very blog, I had to stop to go pick up my roommate, run to Wal-Mart, and start some laundry.

I have 37 minutes until I have to go get my clothes out of the dryer...

So, lets use this time wisely and catch up!

I have been a very busy bee this week! I had two exams, one in History of Modern Africa and one in Theology. I am sure I did great! I also had auditions and call backs for the play I am now officially in (Look out Hollywood!) and this weekend was busy too!

My favorite part of the festival were the cute little step dancers!
My best friend since middle school came up and we had a fabulous time!! The annual Louisville Irish Fest was going on and it was a blast! I got to hang out with my friends and celebrate my Irish heritage.

However, we wanted to get our faces painted but, were told by the painter that we were too old!! THANKS ALOT! Not...

We didn't let that get us down. We went to all three malls in Louisville in the span of 3 days, but we were broke so we didn't buy anything :(

Lastly we went to see my brother compete in a band competition! They did great by the way. My brother Sam plays the Baritone and he had an awesome solo.

Tonight I am putting off the Spanish homework, the presentation on ethic dilemmas, and the paper on land disagreements in pre-colonial Africa for an hour or two in order to get my smelly clothes washed and catch up on my blog. I will begin being productive again Monday :)

Shew, even looking at my schedule for next week makes my head spin! It will be great though, I love being busy.. I don't know what I would do with an hour of down time. Actually, I would probably use that hour too call up a friend to go do something or find another club or organization to join!! lol.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Being Sick is Great!

Not really. Being sick sucks. But, I am practicing the "if you don't feel it fake it," approach to my life these days. 

It is often said that the best way to gain confidence is to act like you are confident even if you aren't. Eventually all that faking will even trick yourself! Well, I am tricking myself into being a more positive person.

This is what I would look like today if I was a pumpkin.
Instead of thinking to myself 

"Oh, Im soooo miserable!" 

"I wish I had my mom!"

"I have never felt this bad in my LIFE."
I am going to step away from my usual negative attitude and focus on the positive... 

Missing classes today allowed me the ENTIRE day to work on homework and study for a test. I even finished writing my Spiritual Autobiography for Theology!

I got to talk to my boyfriend on the phone for two freakin' hours! I haven't had time to talk on the phone with someone that long since middle school! 

I got to waste time watching hours of VH1s Top Artists of All Time... and I'm sorry but, Beyonce should not be ranked higher than The Beastie Boys.... lol!

On my journey too finding myself I have decided that I WILL be a happy positive person. Since I'm not quite in my happiest place right now, I'm gonna fake it till I find it!

Monday, August 30, 2010

I Am Not Paranoid, But That Doesn't Mean They Still Aren't Out to Get Me.

My name is Logan and I am not paranoid.

Usually.... Today, however, I had a constant feeling that the universe was out to get me....

And they could still be out there, watching me, at this very moment (que Twilight Zone theme.)

Ok, probably not, but I know it sure as heck feels like it sometimes.

First, the construction crew who has so thoughtfully blocked my view and filled my room with the ambient noises of power drills, decided that 8 am would be a great time to start boom-booming and crish-crashing.

THEN, for the second class in a row I managed to do the wrong Spanish assignment (ok, so that was no ones fault but mine.)

Lastly, I am trying my best on Weight Watchers and I ordered a grilled chicken wrap and the Cafe on campus gave me fried (and then held a gun to my head while I ate it....) and the day isn't over yet.

But, as is the theme of this bloggity-blog, I will not let outside forces affect the person that I am and that person is not paranoid. I will face my day with a positive attitude!

Today is dedicated to overcoming that sense of "everyone is out to get me," and focusing on all the negative aspects of the day. I shall smile in the face of those who are out to get me and tell them to kiss my ass... Well, maybe not... But in my head I will!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Who am I?

Identity Crisis?

When someone asks "Who are you?" I, like most others, reply with your typical answers. 

"Oh I'm Logan York, I'm a student and a waitress." 

This would satisfy normal people but, apparently college Philosophy professors aren't normal......Go figure.

"That's what you do, Logan, now tell me WHO you are." 

"Uhhhhhhh..... pass?" 

You see, as it turns out I have no idea. None. Nada. Zipparoni. I have no clue who I am. I thought I knew, but I was wrong. 

What I learned in Philosophy 101 was that where you are and what you are doing today, has nothing to do with who you are. The rule of thumb is, if it can be affected by any outside force, then it's not you.

 I could be fired from my job and I could get sick and have to quit school (knock on wood,) so those things don't make me who I am. They don't make you who you are either. 

So when I answered Dr. Dworin's question, he ever so politely informed me that I was wrong (which I am a lot in Philosophy class.) Clearly, one thing I am NOT is a philosopher...... but what are some things I am?

I have decided that I will make a list, of all the things I am, and that will be a good starting point.

Name: Logan York

Age: 19 and counting (the Duggar's have one kid for every year old I am... that's disguting.)

Occupation: Student, Tutor, Assistant Librarian and Waitress (I'm a busy beaver.)

Appearance: Streaky long hair, gray eyes, freckles and a curvy body!

Weight: Somewhere between "More to love," and Kirstie Alley

All of these things do not matter, because these things are to easily changed by outside forces. I age every year (and the Duggar's have more kids), my jobs are constantly changing, my appearance is subject to age and my weight is subject to Thanksgiving dinner and pre-vacation slimfast binges. So, I will no longer use any of those things to describe myself.

How will I introduce myself?

My name is Logan York


eat when I'm bored

Hate peas

Only clean when I can't see the floor

Love to paint my nails

Laugh whenever possible

Like to sing all the time

Sometimes dance like a white girl

Never let people see me cry

Always play Devil's advocate in any argument

That is probably not the most impressive introduction, or the one that will get me the most dates on eHarmony but, it's the most honest one. And, from now on, I'm going to try my best to dig deeper and find more ways to describe my "real," self and continue to develop and search to find the best person I can and want to be. This is my journey.

Who are you?