Sunday, September 26, 2010

Another day in the life.

Whew, college is freakin' tough!

But, we shall overcome. :D

Today was another long day in the list of long days that I have been accumulating recently. I know that I haven't been blogging but, I just have bee sooo busy!

I know EVERYONE says that when they take to long to post but, trust me... This is for real. Even in the middle of writing this very blog, I had to stop to go pick up my roommate, run to Wal-Mart, and start some laundry.

I have 37 minutes until I have to go get my clothes out of the dryer...

So, lets use this time wisely and catch up!

I have been a very busy bee this week! I had two exams, one in History of Modern Africa and one in Theology. I am sure I did great! I also had auditions and call backs for the play I am now officially in (Look out Hollywood!) and this weekend was busy too!

My favorite part of the festival were the cute little step dancers!
My best friend since middle school came up and we had a fabulous time!! The annual Louisville Irish Fest was going on and it was a blast! I got to hang out with my friends and celebrate my Irish heritage.

However, we wanted to get our faces painted but, were told by the painter that we were too old!! THANKS ALOT! Not...

We didn't let that get us down. We went to all three malls in Louisville in the span of 3 days, but we were broke so we didn't buy anything :(

Lastly we went to see my brother compete in a band competition! They did great by the way. My brother Sam plays the Baritone and he had an awesome solo.

Tonight I am putting off the Spanish homework, the presentation on ethic dilemmas, and the paper on land disagreements in pre-colonial Africa for an hour or two in order to get my smelly clothes washed and catch up on my blog. I will begin being productive again Monday :)

Shew, even looking at my schedule for next week makes my head spin! It will be great though, I love being busy.. I don't know what I would do with an hour of down time. Actually, I would probably use that hour too call up a friend to go do something or find another club or organization to join!! lol.


  1. To old to get your face painted???? That is CRAZY TALK!!! :)
    That wasn't that long lol!

  2. I found your blog through your moms and I just wanted to stop by, wish you luck and say that I really hope you enjoy your college experience. I went to B.U. myself. Graduated in '94 (I think... can't even remember).

  3. Hi, Great information! Would you please consider sharing my link to your readers? Please email me back at haileyxhailey



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