Monday, August 30, 2010

I Am Not Paranoid, But That Doesn't Mean They Still Aren't Out to Get Me.

My name is Logan and I am not paranoid.

Usually.... Today, however, I had a constant feeling that the universe was out to get me....

And they could still be out there, watching me, at this very moment (que Twilight Zone theme.)

Ok, probably not, but I know it sure as heck feels like it sometimes.

First, the construction crew who has so thoughtfully blocked my view and filled my room with the ambient noises of power drills, decided that 8 am would be a great time to start boom-booming and crish-crashing.

THEN, for the second class in a row I managed to do the wrong Spanish assignment (ok, so that was no ones fault but mine.)

Lastly, I am trying my best on Weight Watchers and I ordered a grilled chicken wrap and the Cafe on campus gave me fried (and then held a gun to my head while I ate it....) and the day isn't over yet.

But, as is the theme of this bloggity-blog, I will not let outside forces affect the person that I am and that person is not paranoid. I will face my day with a positive attitude!

Today is dedicated to overcoming that sense of "everyone is out to get me," and focusing on all the negative aspects of the day. I shall smile in the face of those who are out to get me and tell them to kiss my ass... Well, maybe not... But in my head I will!

1 comment:

  1. You need to learn how to say, "Kiss My Ass," in Spanish. Say it in a nice tone and with a smile. Then you can have the satisfaction of having said it out loud with no one being the wiser (unless they speak Spanish, of course--and there aren't too many of those people out there). Hang in there!


I am a girl who like comments.